In the unlikely event, you are not fully satisfied with your purchase and would like a refund, or you'd like to exchange your item(s), please return your order back to us within 30 days of the arrival date to the following address:

Match Fragrances
Unit G1
The Cotton Mill
Mather Lane
Leigh WN7 2PW

IMPORTANT - Please make sure to include your order number when returning your item(s). If you wish to exchange your item(s), please also include the full details of the item(s) you wish to exchange for.  We will not be able to process your refund/exchange if these details are not present.

Please note that you are responsible for the return until it reaches us, so we advise sending the package with a Royal Mail registered delivery service and retain proof of postage. Any costs incurred to return the item(s) will not be covered, with the exception of any damaged or faulty products that Match Fragrances accept liability for.


Once we receive and inspect your returned order, we’ll send you an email to let you know whether your refund has been approved or not.

Orders dispatched with free delivery will be subject to a £3.49 return fee to cover the original postage cost.